GP to BC Compare: ITEM Master Record Tables
There are many differences between Dynamics GP and Dynamics 365 Business Central, but this page highlights the technical differences important to me between the primary master record tables for ITEMS for carrying over this information to BC. BC is not GP in the cloud, as you can see by the underlying table structure differences for these master records.
Business Central |
Dynamics GP |
Table ID |
Page ID |
Page Name |
Table Columns |
Table ID |
Table Name |
Form Name |
Table Columns |
27 |
30 |
Item Card |
223 |
IV00101 |
Item Master |
Item Maintenance |
90 |
14 |
5703 |
Location |
73 |
IV40700 |
Sites |
Site Maintenance |
33 |
This next table shows the best and most important field matches for the item records between Dynamics GP and Business Central.
Business Central |
Dynamics GP |
The Dynamics Mindset |
Table 27 |
Table IV00101 |
GP to BC ITEM Field
Mapping Notes |
Field |
Field Length |
Field |
Field Length |
**Filtered and Mapped
Fields |
No. |
Code 20 |
30 |
BC is 10 char less - or 33% less than GP |
Description |
Text 100 |
100 |
No. 2 |
Code 20 |
10 |
Search Description |
Code 100 |
15 |
Type |
Option |
smallint |
GP has Sales Inventory,
Discontinued, Kit, Misc Charges, Services, Flat Fee; BC has Inventory, Service,
Non-Inventory |
Base Unit of Measure |
Code 10 |
10 |
GP and BC Unit of
Measure setup is slightly different |
Standard Cost |
Decimal |
numeric |
Unit Cost |
Decimal |
numeric |
Item Tracking Code |
Code 10 |
smallint |
Both GP and BC have Lot
and Serial tracking |
Blocked |
Boolean |
tinyint |
Country/Region of Origin
Code |
Code 10 |
7 |
Alternative Item No. |
Code 20 |
30 |
BC allows you to
maintain a list of substitues; GP is limited to 2 |
Purch. Unit of Measure |
Code 10 |
10 |
Purchase Default Unit of
Measure |
Sales Unit of Measure |
Code 10 |
10 |
Sales Default Unit of
Measure |
This table shows the Dynamics GP item master table fields not included in the matched field mapping above.
Many simply don’t fit, or their purpose is conceptually or fundamentally different or incompatible with a clean, straight mapping of data from GP to Business Central.
Dynamics GP |
The Dynamics Mindset |
Table IV00101 |
GP to BC ITEM Field
Mapping Notes |
Field |
**UN-Mapped Fields |
BC allows you to
maintain a list of substitues, and not be limited
to 2 |
GP Allow Back Orders on
Item |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
System-generated |
GP Item Currency
Decimals |
GP Item Quantity
Decimals |
System-generated |
System-generated |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP Include in Depot
Management |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP Item Shippint Weight |
BC Item Template is closest concept to GP Classes. Also consider Inventory
Setup, General Product Posting Groups in BC for default GL accounts |
BC taxes map to Tax
Areas (table 318, page 464) and Jurisdictions (table 320, page 466) |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP option flag; not
relevant to BC |
GP option flag; not
relevant to BC |
GP option flag; not
relevant to BC |
GP option flag; not
relevant to BC |
System-generated |
System-generated |
GP Default Item Location |
Lot_Split_Quantity |
System-generated |
System-generated |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP Price Level |
PriceGroup |
Purchase_Item_Tax_Schedu |
Purchase_Tax_Options |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
QtyOverTolerancePercent |
QtyShortTolerancePercent |
Revalue_Inventory |
Tolerance_Percentage |
GP posting account; maps
to General Product and Inventory Posting Groups |
GP Item User-defined
Category Labels |
GP Item User-defined
Category Labels |
GP Item User-defined
Category Labels |
GP Item User-defined
Category Labels |
GP Item User-defined
Category Labels |
GP Item User-defined
Category Labels |
UseQtyOverageTolerance |
UseQtyShortageTolerance |
System-generated |
This table shows the Business Central Item master table fields not included in the matched field mapping above.
Many simply don’t fit, or their purpose is conceptually or fundamentally different or incompatible with a clean, straight mapping of data from GP to Business Central.
Business Central |
The Dynamics Mindset |
Table 27 |
GP to BC ITEM Field
Mapping Notes |
Field |
**UN-Mapped Fields |
Allow Invoice Disc. |
Allow Online Adjustment |
Application Wksh. User ID |
System-generated |
Assembly BOM |
System-generated |
Assembly Policy |
Assemble to Stock,
Assemble to Order |
Automatic Ext. Text |
BC extra text option for
Items |
Block Reason |
Budget Profit |
Budget Quantity |
Budgeted Amount |
COGS ($) |
BC auto-summary field |
Comment |
Commission Group |
Common Item No. |
BC Text field |
Consumptions (Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Cost is Adjusted |
GL Posting Configuration |
Cost is Posted to G/L |
GL Posting Configuration |
Cost of Open Production
Orders |
BC auto-summary field |
Costing Method |
FIFO, LIFO, Specific,
Average, Standard |
Country/Region Purchased
Code |
BC Region/Country (table
9, page 10) |
Coupled to Dynamics 365
Sales |
For BC sync to D365
Sales (CRM) |
Coupled to Dynamics 365
Sales |
For BC sync to D365
Sales (CRM) |
Created At |
System-generated |
Created By |
System-generated |
Created From Catalog
Item |
System-generated |
Critical |
BC Item Planning option |
Customergroup Code |
Dampener Period |
BC Item Planning option |
Dampener Quantity |
BC Item Planning option |
Default Deferral
Template Code |
Department Code |
Description 2 |
BC additional item
description field |
Discrete Order Quantity |
BC Item Planning option |
Durability |
Duty Class |
Not in US localization? |
Duty Code |
Not in US localization? |
Duty Due % |
Not in US localization? |
Duty Unit Conversion |
Not in US localization? |
Excluded from Cost
Adjustment |
Expiration Calculation |
BC uses Date Formulas |
Flushing Method |
FP Order Receipt (Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Freight Type |
Not in US localization? |
Gen. Prod. Posting Group |
GL Posting Configuration |
Gen. Prod. Posting Group
Id |
System-generated |
Gross Weight |
Global Trade Item Number
(GTIN) / UPC Code |
Has Sales Forecast |
Identifier Code |
Include Inventory |
BC Lot configuration
option |
Indirect Cost % |
BC option for GP Landed
Cost |
Inventory Posting Group |
GL Posting Configuration |
Inventory Posting Group
Id |
System-generated |
Inventory Value Zero |
Item Category Code |
BC Optional Item
Category / Attribute |
Item Category Id |
System-generated |
Item Disc. Group |
Last Counting Period
Update |
BC Warehouse option |
Last Date Modified |
System-generated |
Last DateTime
Modified |
System-generated |
Last Direct Cost |
Last Phys. Invt. Date |
BC Warehouse option |
Last Time Modified |
System-generated |
Last Unit Cost Calc.
Date |
System-generated |
Lead Time Calculation |
BC Item Planning option |
Lot Accumulation Period |
BC Item Planning option |
Lot Nos. |
BC Numbering Series for
Item Lot Numbers |
Lot Size |
BC Item Planning option |
Low-Level Code |
BC Item Planning option |
Manufacturer Code |
Manufacturing Policy |
BC Item Planning option |
Maximum Inventory |
BC Item Planning option |
Maximum Order Quantity |
BC Item Planning option |
Minimum Order Quantity |
BC Item Planning option |
Modified At |
System-generated |
Modified By |
System-generated |
Negative Adjmt. ($) |
BC auto-summary field |
Negative Adjmt. (Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Net Change |
BC auto-summary field |
Net Invoiced Qty. |
BC auto-summary field |
Net Weight |
Next Counting End Date |
BC Item Planning option |
Next Counting Start Date |
BC Item Planning option |
No. of Substitutes |
BC auto-summary field |
No. Series |
System-generated |
Order Multiple |
BC Item Planning option |
Order Tracking Policy |
BC Item Planning option |
Outputs (Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Overflow Level |
Overhead Rate |
BC Item Planning option |
Over-Receipt Code |
BC Item Planning option |
Phys Invt
Counting Period Code |
BC Item Planning option |
Planned Order Receipt
(Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Planned Order Release
(Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Planning Issues (Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Planning Receipt (Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Planning Release (Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Planning Transfer Ship.
(Qty). |
BC auto-summary field |
Planning Worksheet
(Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Positive Adjmt. ($) |
BC auto-summary field |
Positive Adjmt. (Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Prevent Negative
Inventory |
BC Item Planning option |
Price Includes Tax |
BC tax config for VAT |
Price Unit Conversion |
Price/Profit Calculation |
Price-Cost, Cost +
Profit, or No Relationship |
Prod. Forecast Quantity
(Base) |
BC auto-summary field |
Production BOM No. |
Profit % |
BC profit for markup to
sell |
Purch. Req. Receipt
(Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Purch. Req. Release
(Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Purchases ($) |
BC auto-summary field |
Purchases (Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Purchasing Blocked |
BC Item Planning option |
Purchasing Code |
BC Item Planning option |
Put-away Template Code |
BC Warehouse option |
Put-away Unit of Measure
Code |
BC Warehouse option |
Qty. Assigned to ship |
BC auto-summary field |
Qty. in Transit |
BC auto-summary field |
Qty. on Asm. Component |
BC auto-summary field |
Qty. on Assembly Order |
BC auto-summary field |
Qty. on Component Lines |
BC auto-summary field |
Qty. on Prod. Order |
BC auto-summary field |
Qty. on Project Order |
BC auto-summary field |
Qty. on Purch. Order |
BC auto-summary field |
Qty. on Purch. Return |
BC auto-summary field |
Qty. on Sales Order |
BC auto-summary field |
Qty. on Sales Return |
BC auto-summary field |
Qty. on Service Order |
BC auto-summary field |
Qty. Picked |
BC auto-summary field |
Quantity on Hand |
BC auto-summary field |
Rel. Order Receipt
(Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Rel. Scheduled Need
(Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Rel. Scheduled Receipt
(Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Reorder Point |
BC Item Planning option |
Reorder Quantity |
BC Item Planning option |
Reordering Policy |
BC Item Planning option |
Replenishment System |
BC Item Planning option |
Res. Qty. on Asm. Comp. |
BC auto-summary field |
Res. Qty. on Assembly
Order |
BC auto-summary field |
Res. Qty. on Inbound
Transfer |
BC auto-summary field |
Res. Qty. on Outbound
Transfer |
BC auto-summary field |
Res. Qty. on Prod. Order
Comp. |
BC auto-summary field |
Res. Qty. on Project
Order |
BC auto-summary field |
Res. Qty. on Purch.
Returns |
BC auto-summary field |
Res. Qty. on Req. Line |
BC auto-summary field |
Res. Qty. on Sales
Returns |
BC auto-summary field |
Res. Qty. on Service
Orders |
BC auto-summary field |
Rescheduling Period |
BC Item Planning option |
Reserve |
BC Item Planning option |
Reserved Qty. on
Inventory |
BC auto-summary field |
Reserved Qty. on Prod.
Order |
BC auto-summary field |
Reserved Qty. on Purch.
Orders |
BC auto-summary field |
Reserved Qty. on Sales
Orders |
BC auto-summary field |
Rolled-up Cap. Overhead
Cost |
BC auto-summary field |
Rolled-up Capacity Cost |
BC auto-summary field |
Rolled-up Material Cost |
BC auto-summary field |
Rolled-up Mfg. Ovhd Cost |
BC auto-summary field |
Rolled-up Subcontracted
Cost |
BC auto-summary field |
Rounding Precision |
Routing No. |
RowVersion |
System-generated |
Safety Lead Time |
BC uses Date Formulas |
Safety Stock Quantity |
BC Item Planning option |
Sales ($) |
BC auto-summary field |
Sales (Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Sales Blocked |
BC Item Planning option |
SAT Hazardous Material |
For Community
Development Financial Institution reporting |
SAT Item Classification |
For Community
Development Financial Institution reporting |
SAT Material Type |
For Community
Development Financial Institution reporting |
SAT Packaging Type |
For Community
Development Financial Institution reporting |
Scheduled Need (Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Scheduled Receipt (Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Scrap % |
BC Item Planning option |
Serial Nos. |
BC Numbering Series for
Item Serial Numbers |
Service Blocked |
Service Item Group |
Shelf No. |
BC Text field |
Single-Level Cap. Ovhd Cost |
BC auto-summary field |
Single-Level Capacity
Cost |
BC auto-summary field |
Single-Level Material
Cost |
BC auto-summary field |
Single-Level Mfg. Ovhd Cost |
BC auto-summary field |
Single-Level Subcontrd. Cost |
BC auto-summary field |
Special Equipment Code |
Statistics Group |
Stockkeeping Unit Exists |
BC auto-summary field |
Stockout Warning |
BC Item configuration
option |
Substitutes Exist |
System-generated |
System ID |
System-generated |
Tariff No. |
Tax Bus. Posting Gr.
(Price) |
GL Posting Configuration |
Tax Group Code |
BC taxes map to Tax
Areas (table 318, page 464) and Jurisdictions (table 320, page 466) |
Tax Group Id |
System-generated |
Time Bucket |
BC Item Planning option |
Trans. Ord. Receipt
(Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Trans. Ord. Shipment
(Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Transferred ($) |
BC auto-summary field |
Transferred (Qty.) |
BC auto-summary field |
Unit Group Exists |
Unit List Price |
Unit of Measure Id |
System-generated |
Unit Price |
Unit Volume |
BC Item Planning option |
Units per Parcel |
BC Item Planning option |
Use Cross-Docking |
BC Item Planning option |
Variant Mandatory if
Exists |
VAT Prod. Posting Group |
GL Posting Configuration |
Vendor Item No. |
BC Item Planning option |
Vendor No. |
BC Item Planning option |
Warehouse Class Code |
BC Item Planning option |
Author’s note and Disclaimer:
Mapping ERP systems is a complex and subjective task for any one person.
Significant differences between GP and BC will require you to learn more deeply about the product to perform a successful implementation.
There is more than one way to map particular fields, but I think you’ll get a lot out of the references provided.
I am not infallible, so let me know if you spot an issue I need to update. I don’t want to present anything factually incorrect here, however how you map your data in real life is up to you.
I needed to know the differences that really matter between the master records in both Dynamics GP and Business Central. I hope you gain value from my analysis and notes.
As I do more BC implementations, and if / when BC changes, I’ll keep this up to date, and make adjustments and add additional notes where needed. I’ll also work on filling in any holes to make this complete because these are MY personal reference pages too.
Some of the tables on the individual pages probably won’t render very well on some mobile devices, but try tipping it horizontally instead!