Community Summit Legend

“In recognition of outstanding Microsoft Business Applications Community Leadership”

In October, 2023, I was inducted into the family of Summit Legends. To join this group of distinguished Dynamics leaders, key figures, MVPs, highly-accomplished colleagues and to do so in front of a huge gathering of end users and partners was a truly humbling experience. Thank you for the Legend recognition, and congratulations to all of the other Legends!

I am forever grateful to GraVoc, who supports my engaging with all of the Dynamics Communities, for allowing my Dynamics Mindset to work at its full potential, for fielding such an amazing group of talented teammates and fostering an amazing family-first work culture for everyone.

Legends Past and Present

Giants in the Dynamics world

BCUG Sapphire Award

“The Gemstone Award Program recognizes User and Partner Members who are actively engaged and generously contribute their knowledge and time for the success of our User Group communities.”

As a volunteer who has The Dynamics Mindset 24/7/365, it is always nice to be recognized for the volunteer efforts I am able to give. There are a lot of really great BC/NAV people in the community who earned this award and other Gemstone Awards before me, and I thank them all for leading the way by encouraging everyone, and making it easy for anyone to participate. Thank you for the Sapphire Award, and congratulations to all of the other Gemstone Award winners!

BCUG Summit Programming Committee

“In Recognition of Your Service”

The partner and user group colleagues I have the honor of volunteering my time with help make Microsoft ERP really exciting, foster professional growth for everyone in our community, keep us on top of trends, and truly dedicate their efforts to helping everyone succeed.

Many among this distinguished group also have The Dynamics Mindset and have been using NAV and BC a really long time.

For a Dynamics GP ‘outsider’ like me moving into the BC world, I’ve been welcomed, encouraged, and invited to participate in so many shared experiences by the establishment NAV folks.

We’re all now living in a reality where our GP and NAV ERP worlds are colliding with Business Central and Power Platform and I am grateful to all of you for helping me on my own journey!