GP to BC Compare: Vendor Address Master Record Tables
There are many differences between Dynamics GP and Dynamics 365 Business Central, but this page highlights the technical differences important to me between the primary master record tables for VENDOR ADDRESSES for carrying over this information to BC. BC is not GP in the cloud, as you can see by the underlying table structure differences for these vendor-related master records.
Business Central |
Dynamics GP |
Table ID |
Page ID |
Page Name |
Table Columns |
Table ID |
Table Name |
Form Name |
Table Columns |
23 |
26 |
Vendor Card |
164 |
PM00200 |
PM Vendor Master |
Vendor Maintenance |
109 |
288 |
425 |
Vendor Bank Account |
34 |
SY06000 |
EFT Bank Information |
Vendor EFT Bank
Maintenance |
37 |
224 |
368 |
Order Address |
24 |
PM00300 |
PM Address Master |
Vendor Address
Maintenance |
28 |
2224 |
2369 |
Remit Address |
22 |
This next table shows the best and most important field matches for the vendor address master records between Dynamics GP and Business Central.
Business Central |
Business Central |
Dynamics GP |
The Dynamics Mindset |
Table 224 |
Table 2224 |
Table PM00300 |
Field Mapping Notes |
Field |
Field Length |
Field |
Field Length |
Field |
Field Length |
**Filtered and Mapped
Fields |
Vendor No. |
Code 20 |
Vendor No. |
Code 20 |
15 |
Auto-numbering available
in BC |
Code |
Code 10 |
Code |
Code 10 |
15 |
BC is 5 char less than GP |
Contact |
Text 100 |
Contact |
Text 100 |
60 |
Address |
Text 100 |
Address |
Text 100 |
60 |
Address 2 |
Text 50 |
Address 2 |
Text 50 |
60 |
BC is 10 char less than GP |
City |
Text 30 |
City |
Text 30 |
35 |
BC is 5 char less than GP |
State |
Text 30 |
State |
Text 30 |
29 |
ZIP Code |
Code 20 |
ZIP Code |
Code 20 |
10 |
BC has optional Post
Code (table 225, page 367) |
Country/Region Code |
Code 10 |
Country/Region Code |
Code 10 |
60 |
Convert/map to Codes in
BC |
Phone No. |
Text 30 |
Phone No. |
Text 30 |
14 |
BC only allows numbers |
Fax No. |
Text 30 |
Fax No. |
Text 30 |
14 |
BC only allows numbers |
This table shows the Dynamics GP vendor address master table fields not included in the matched field mapping above.
Many simply don’t fit, or their purpose is conceptually or fundamentally different or incompatible with a clean, straight mapping of data from GP to Business Central.
Dynamics GP |
The Dynamics Mindset |
Table PM00300 |
Field Mapping Notes |
Field |
**UN-Mapped Fields |
BC does not have Address
3 |
BC uses the
Country/Region codes and descriptions (table 9, page 10) |
System-generated |
System-generated |
EmailPOFormat |
EmailPOs |
FaxPOFormat |
FaxPOs |
BC does not allow
inactivating addresses |
POEmailRecipient |
POFaxNumber |
BC is 5 char less than GP; may not align functionally |
BC taxes map to Tax
Areas (table 318, page 464) and Jurisdictions (table 320, page 466) |
This table shows the Business Central vendor address master table fields not included in the matched field mapping above.
Many simply don’t fit, or their purpose is conceptually or fundamentally different or incompatible with a clean, straight mapping of data from GP to Business Central.
Business Central |
Business Central |
The Dynamics Mindset |
Table 224 |
Table 2224 |
Field Mapping Notes |
Field |
Field |
**UN-Mapped Fields |
Created At |
Created At |
System-generated |
Created By |
Created By |
System-generated |
Email |
Email |
This resides on the
Internet Information window in GP (SY01200) |
Home Page |
Home Page |
This resides on the
Internet Information window in GP (SY01200) |
Last Date Modified |
System-generated |
Modified At |
Modified At |
System-generated |
Modified By |
Modified By |
Name |
Name |
Name 2 |
Name 2 |
RowVersion |
RowVersion |
BC does not have Address
3 |
System ID |
System ID |
System-generated |
Telex Answer Back |
Telex No. |
Default Address |
Author’s note and Disclaimer:
This page is designed to be a reference device. I truly hope you enjoy!
I needed to know the differences that really matter between the Vendor Cards / master records in both Dynamics GP and Business Central
I exported the tables and reviewed all of the fields and windows I could with data for both GP and BC
There is more than one way to map particular fields
I am not infallible, so let me know if you spot an issue I need to update
Refer to this list as often as you like - as I do more BC implementations, and if / when BC changes, I’ll keep this up to date, and make adjustments and additional notes where needed. I’ll also work on filling in any holes to make this complete for the community.
This page probably won’t render well on some mobile devices, but try tipping it horizontally instead